Kitchen Remodeling: Things to Know About the Quoting Process

Did you know that before investing in kitchen countertops from Bedrock Quartz, you can get a no obligation quote from us? Did you also know that we offer fully transparent quoting? We take the quoting process pretty seriously because we know how important it is to our customers.

We also realize that our approach to furnishing quotes is a bit different as compared to other fabricators and contractors. For example, here’s something we do that many other fabricators do not: we sit down with customers and go through quotes they’ve received from other fabricators, comparing them to ours so as to make sure our customers fully understand what they are paying for with each option.

We believe transparent quoting is as important to kitchen countertops as it is to full kitchen remodels. In fact, transparent quoting should be part of every home remodeling project regardless of what it involves.

More Is Better in This Case

There are some things to know about the quoting process over and above transparency. For instance, more is better when you are compiling quotes for home remodeling projects. How many should you get? There is no hard and fast number. If you were looking to upgrade your kitchen with new granite countertops, we would recommend a minimum of three quotes.

Your main objective is to get the best possible price without compromising on quality or materials. Multiple quotes give you the opportunity to compare pricing among different contractors and fabricators. And by comparing their quotes line-by-line, you can get a better understanding of what it is you are paying for. The more quotes you have to work with, the more information you have to put into your decision.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Details

The typical consumer knows enough to get multiple quotes on home remodeling projects. Whether it’s installing new quartz countertops or gutting the kitchen and extending it off the back of the house, consumers have been pretty well conditioned to contact at least a few contractors before choosing one. Where most consumers fall down is in the details.

When you request a quote, don’t be satisfied with a single line price. Ask for details. A good quote will list everything included in the project and a fairly close estimate of what you’ll be paying item-by-item. Details are important because they:

  • Reduce the risk of surprises.
  • Minimize the risk of cost overruns.
  • Lead to reasonable expectations.

If a contractor isn’t willing to provide the details you need to make a sound decision, you have valid reason for concern. Be cautious about accepting a quote that makes you nervous. If you can’t make a sound decision with which you are comfortable, step back and get a few more quotes. It never hurts to take your time to do things right.

Things Can Still Happen

A quote is a reasonable estimate of what you will pay for materials and labor. But rarely are quotes ironclad. Why? Because things can still happen. Consider a full kitchen remodel that goes all the way back to the studs. Your contractor might discover things during demolition that were not anticipated in the original quote. You might end up spending more as a result.

One of our main goals as a kitchen countertop fabricator is to educate our customers as thoroughly as possible before they make a purchase decision. That’s why we believe in transparent quoting. If you’re planning a remodeling project in the near future, put some time and effort into the quoting process. We promise it will pay off in the long run.